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Helper Functions


The package ships with a set of helper functions. These functions are all namespaced under Tonysm\\TurboLaravel\\ but we also add them globally for convenience.

The dom_id()

The mentioned namespaced dom_id() helper function may also be used from anywhere in your application, like so:

use function Tonysm\TurboLaravel\dom_id;

When a new instance of a model is passed to any of these DOM ID helpers, since it doesn't have an ID, it will prefix the resource name with a create_ prefix. This way, new instances of an App\\Models\\Comment model will generate a create_comment DOM ID.

These helpers strip out the model's FQCN (see config/turbo-laravel.php if you use an unconventional location for your models).

The dom_class()

The dom_class() helper function may be used from anywhere in your application, like so:

use function Tonysm\TurboLaravel\dom_class;

This function will generate the DOM class named based on your model's classname. If you have an instance of a App\Models\Comment model, it will generate a comment DOM class.

Similarly to the dom_id() function, you may also pass a context prefix as the second parameter:

dom_class($comment, 'reactions_list');

This will generate a DOM class of reactions_list_comment.

The turbo_stream()

You may generate Turbo Streams using the Response::turboStream() macro, but you may also do so using the turbo_stream() helper function:

use function Tonysm\TurboLaravel\turbo_stream;

Both the Response::turboStream() and the turbo_stream() function work the same way. The turbo_stream() function may be easier to use.

The turbo_stream_view()

You may combo Turbo Streams using the turbo_stream([]) function passing an array, but you may prefer to create a separate Blade view with all the Turbo Streams, this way you may also use template extensions and everything else Blade offers:

use function Tonysm\TurboLaravel\turbo_stream_view;
return turbo_stream_view('comments.turbo.created', [
'comment' => $comment,

All these functions are also registered globally, so you may use it directly without the use statements (this is useful in contexts like Blade views, for instance).

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